Impronta Teatro was created in 2015, born out of a moment of disillusionment with the political and theatrical landscape in the UK. As a group of four performers, training together at LISPA, we saw a disconnect between the liberal arts world with the rest of the country and decided we wanted to explore performance to be taken outside of traditional theatre spaces. We wanted to connect with and engage the public who don't ordinarily see theatre or puppetry.
We started on the street: in parks and public transport, in London and Berlin. Playing with plastic bags and paper that morphed into puppets in front of your eyes, we created something between a flash-mob, street theatre and pop-up puppetry.
Through a period of R&D made possible by the Little Angel Theatre's INCUBATE scheme, we began pushing our practice further, exploring more ambitious material and biger stories. From this we got a commission from Ros Stoddart and Deep Roots, Tall Trees to create a piece for the 2016 Our Woods festival: The Man Who Planted Trees.
Now we're onto pastures new, working on the early stages of a mask and puppetry piece, diving into the realm of mythology and the surreal madness of a dystopian family drama. More info coming soon on our website...